JsTechRoad.com is hosted on DigitalOcean! It’s a great place to host your site or app, especially if you are pursuing full stack/backend jobs in the future, why not create an awesome project to impress your interviewers?
DigitalOcean is very easy to use and understand, and it performs very well. It’s less complicated than Amazon Web Services (AWS). This platform gives you flexible options for building apps and hosting websites. With DigitalOcean, you can get any sort of project up and running quickly and reliably.
Deploy in Seconds with DigitalOcean 1-Click Apps
Back then, manual installation and configuration can take hours or even days. The DigitalOcean Marketplace reduces this time with a catalog of open source and commercial software apps that you can install with a single click. With 1-Click Apps, you can quickly deploy frameworks for popular programming languages – or create WordPress blogs, E-commerce sites, or discussion forums in just few settings.

Learning Tools & Resources
DigitalOcean’s constantly growing library of community tutorials and product document helps you get started quickly, answer technical questions, and provide learning pathways to help familiarize users with the latest technologies.