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CQRS — Command Query Response Segregation

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One Write Model, N Read Models

The idea of CQRS is to enable an application (in the large sense) to work with different models:

  • One internal model it writes with: the write model, altered by Commands (more on this later)
  • One or several read models it and other applications read from (we can’t let others read the write model)

This pattern trade control over scalability and flexibility.


  • We can scale the read and write databases independently of each other
  • The write database can be normalized to 3rd Normal Form to make writes efficient
  • The read databases can be denormalized the data to suit specific queries and no need to perform complex operations like JOIN tables to return the required data.
  • Managing security and permissions is easy
  • It makes queries simple
  • It forces us to change the way we think, UI sends a command to the write model and not a data model object
  • We can use a relational database for the write side and use NoSQL database for the read side. Scaling a NoSQL database is relatively easy.


  • It makes the whole system complex
  • Data can be stale
  • Handling eventually consistent data is a monster of its own.

Points to consider before implementation

  • This is not a system-wide or high-level pattern.  It should be applied only in a bounded context where it makes sense.
  • The data will be eventually consistent
  • It works well with event sourcing pattern
  • It is useful in systems where multiple systems/actors perform parallel actions on the same data.
  • It shouldn’t be used for applications which are simple CRUD based.
  • The write model is always the source of truth. So we could query the write model and return data as the result of command execution.
  • It is not simple to handle eventual-consistent data.